Greedy & Speedy

The Pre-Vent Slow Horse Feeder slows the ingestion of feed & supplements. The slow horse feeder can also be used to feed alfalfa pellets & cubes as well as other types of hay pellets.*
*The PRE-VENT Feeder slows the ingestion of feed & supplements. When a horse bolts their feed it can lead to a multitude of some serious health issues such as Choke, Sand Colic and other Digestive Upsets. When horses bolt their feed, they bypass the step inwhich the feed is chewed thoroughly and coated with saliva which contains bicarbonates. Which can help with ulcers. Horses produce saliva only as they chew. **Wet or pre-soak feed or pellets per your veterinarian.
How It Works
- PRE-VENT Feeder’s® patent pending design was specifically created to increase feed time by slowing down the rate at which a horse ingests its feed.
- PRE-VENT Feeders® encourage the horse to keep its head down in a natural feeding position, as the horse must work to get the feed out of each of the compartments with its tongue and lips, one cup at a time.
- The PRE-VENT Feeder® will pay for itself in no time at all! When horses bolt their feed, they normally overfill their mouths and drop feed & expensive supplements into shavings, manure or sand. Which can lead to Sand Colic, parasite ingestion and a lot of wasted money.